Running is a great aerobic exercise. It is also a good stress reliever, time-effective and you can run almost anywhere at any time.
Here, we share our knowledge about running – whether you are thinking about starting running, are a sporadic or regular runner, or training for a marathon.

Being interviewed by Asics after the Venice maraton
How to start running
Having worked with many runners, we know the mental and physical challenges of what it takes to start running – on both a regular and competitive basis. The following points will help you if want to start running
Sharing my love of running – a local runner’s inspirational story
If you are thinking of starting running, or have started running but need motivation to improve your fitness or speed – take heart from this truly inspirational story by local runner Caitlin Limmer who is also the founder of the Bearcat Running Club in St Margarets…
Running a marathon – how to avoid injury
If you are training to run 26 miles you will understand why a marathon is the challenge it is!
But what do you do when your end goal is in sight and all those little niggles that were under control start to surface and you still have 2 long runs to do before the big day?
Hip, leg & ankle exercises
Check out these useful short videos of hip, leg and ankle exercises to do at home.
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