Podiatrist Teddington
The Waldegrave Clinic in Teddington has a highly qualified team of podiatrists, also known as chiropodists.
What is Podiatry?
Podiatry (formerly known as Chiropody) focusses on preventing, diagnosing and treating conditions associated with the foot and ankle.
At the Waldegrave Clinic our team of podiatrists treat everyday and more complex foot and ankle problems, including care for diabetics and bio-mechanical assessment and gait analysis.
Common problems your Podiatrist will treat
- Calluses and corns removal
- Verrucae Treatment
- Ingrown Toe Nails
- Nail surgery under local anesthetic to ease the pain and remove ingrown nail
- Foot wear advice and routine nail care
More complex problems your Podiatrist will treat
Custom made Orthotics
We specialise in custom made Orthotics to alleviate most types of foot pain and ailments as well as various types of lower limb and back pain.
Diabetic Care
Foot problems are a big risk in diabetics – usually resulting from neuropathy, poor circulation and decreased resistance to infection. Proactive Screening, regular assessment and education will provide the expert clinical care needed in the management of diabetic foot problems.
Children’s Foot Problems
Many adult foot problems can have their origins in childhood, so attention to footwear in children can minimize the risk of these problems in adults. We evaluate your children’s feet, find the right treatment and make the right recommendations for them.
Bio-Mechanical Assessment – Gait Analysis
Biomechanical assessment is a detailed examination of the lower limbs to prevent long term complications developing in areas like your knees and lower back due to the mechanics of the lower leg, ankle and foot.
By assessing the way you walk and evaluating your structure and alignment we will get a comprehensive understanding of any underlying problems in the lower limbs and how these can be corrected.
Biomechanical assessment is beneficial to sports people looking to improve physical performance and forms an integral part of sport therapy and treatment.

Ready To Get A Podiatric Treatment?
If you’re ready to book just click below to book online easily, or if you have any questions prior to booking we can be reached on 020 8943 2424 from 8am – 7:30pm Weekdays & 8am – 1:30pm on Saturdays.
Quality Assured.
The Waldegrave Clinic has been awarded the coveted Patient Partnership Quality Mark AND Clinical Management Quality Mark in recognition of our superb clinical standards.
Our practice is one of the few clinics nationally that has been awarded both the Patient Partnership Quality Mark and a research status award in recognition of our superb clinical standards. Our high level of expertise is matched with an excellent range of facilities including Shockwave therapy, rehabilitation gym and private changing rooms.