How to help your pregnancy term be more comfortable

pregnant womanPregnancy has a big impact on your body as there are a lot of changes that take place. Some of these are welcome and exciting, some of them are uncomfortable and exhausting.

Changes that take place may include changes to your skin, changes in the way your organs work – including your heart, lungs and kidneys – enlargement of the uterus, enlargement of the breasts and changes in your hormone production and levels.

With these body changes naturally come subtle alterations in the way you hold and move your body.

The curve in your back may increase as your baby grows and the distribution of your weight is changed. The baby may choose a position that presses on your bladder or places a foot up under your ribs.

 What happens to your body as your pregnancy progresses

As your pregnancy progresses and your body prepares for labour the ligaments around your pelvis have more give and so there is much more movement in the joints around the pelvis.

Sometimes this can result in pelvic girdle pain due to the increased movement in the joints, especially if one side becomes more mobile than the other. Also pain may be felt at the front of the pelvis over the pubic bone.

When the ligaments in your pelvis have more give, the surrounding muscles have to work harder to keep the pelvis stable. This may then lead on to muscle pain and tension. When this is happening around your pelvic area the muscles can put pressure on the sciatic nerve causing pain through the buttock and down the leg, commonly known as Sciatica.

 What may help

The increased curve in your back can lead to back pain. The increased movement in the joints of the pelvis and resulting muscle tension can lead to pain and discomfort around the pelvic girdle.

What is needed are techniques that will gently work on good postural, spinal and pelvic alignment, muscle balance and relaxation to help you to feel more comfortable. This may also help to reduce any tension in your body.

Your midwife will always be able to advise.

At our clinic a range of treatments can be found, including physiotherapy, chiropractic,  massage, acupuncture or reflexology.

To book an appointment to see how we may help you please call 020 8943 2424.

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How To Book

If you’re ready to book just click below to book online easily, or if you have any questions prior to booking we can be reached on 020 8943 2424 from 8am – 7:30pm Weekdays & 8am – 1:30pm on Saturdays.

Quality Assured.

The Waldegrave Clinic has been awarded the coveted Patient Partnership Quality Mark AND Clinical Management Quality Mark in recognition of our superb clinical standards.

Our practice is one of the few clinics nationally that has been awarded both the Patient Partnership Quality Mark and a research status award in recognition of our superb clinical standards. Our high level of expertise is matched with an excellent range of facilities including Shockwave therapy, rehabilitation gym and private changing rooms.

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