Yoga Classes in Teddington
Feel calmer, healthier & happier through practising yoga.
James Carolan, our Massage Therapist holds yoga classes every Monday evening at the clinic 7:00 PM – 8:15 PM.
It is a small personalised class – maximum 10 people, that will be adaptable for all fitness levels & age groups.
Ready To Start A Yoga Class?
If you’re ready to book please get in touch! We can be reached on 020 8943 2424 from 8am – 7:30pm Weekdays & 8am – 1:30pm on Saturdays.

Quality Assured.
The Waldegrave Clinic has been awarded the coveted Patient Partnership Quality Mark AND Clinical Management Quality Mark in recognition of our superb clinical standards.
Our practice is one of the few clinics nationally that has been awarded both the Patient Partnership Quality Mark and a research status award in recognition of our superb clinical standards. Our high level of expertise is matched with an excellent range of facilities including Shockwave therapy, rehabilitation gym and private changing rooms.